Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Quiz Night for the Bells Appeal

Please join us for another Quiz Night at Barnham Broom Village Hall NR9 4BU on Saturday 14th October.  Doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm start.  
Admission is £6 per person and includes Bangers & Baked Potato. To help with the catering, we'll need to know numbers. So please buy your tickets in advance from Barnham Broom Post Office & Stores and please let us know as you book if a vegetarian or gluten free option is needed. Tea or coffee will be available for a donation on the night or bring your own drinks along. There will also be a raffle in aid of the Bells Appeal.

Come along as a team of 6 or join with others to form a team on the night.
We hope to see you there.

Monday, 4 September 2017

Barnham Broom Summer Party - thank you

Thank you to all who joined us for the Barnham Broom Village Summer Party in aid of the Barnham Broom Church Bells Restoration Appeal.
Thanks to the organisers, helpers and all who contributed prizes, cakes, food, books and produce as well as those who helped to set up and take down the attractions.

We appreciate the support of the Bell Inn, Barnham Broom for running the beer tent and the Claire Barker band for providing music throughout the afternoon.  The chance to socialize on a sunny afternoon helped raise over £420 towards the Bells Appeal.